COLOCO prp | Improvement of cognitive function
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  • Improvement of cognitive skills
    COLOCO prp increases BDNF concentration in serum

Brain: improvement of cognitive skills

BDNF (Brain derived neurotrophic factor) is a specific protein (neurotrophin) that can be found in brain and periphery. It is involved in development of nervous system and connections between neurons (synapses). BDNF plays an important role in:

  • guidance and growth of axon,
  • promoting neuronal survival and differentiation,
  • morphological changes of synapses (synaptic plasticity) – learning and memory,
  • support and regeneration of neurons after injury.

Our research shows that COLOCO prp increases BDNF level in serum. Thus, COLOCO prp has a broad BDNF-mediated impact on functioning of the brain. COLOCO prp improves cognitive skills and helps to prevent or attenuate MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) symptoms.